Noora Mäkelä

Maventa's support for Internet Explorer 11 ending by 2024

25-01-2024 2:00 pm posted by Noora Mäkelä

Dear customer,

Maventa is going to drop the support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) by the end of year 2024 for our embeddable user interface (EUI) and our normal web UI that is utilizing EUI.

IE11 is officially retired and has been out of support since June 2022. Also the majority of popular websites have already stopped supporting IE11 or have plans to do so soon.

Our decision to drop the IE11 support is based on several key factors, including:

  • IE11's limited support for modern JavaScript, hindering our ability to provide advanced features
  • The complex dependency stack required for IE11 compatibility, which poses security risks
  • Performance issues reported by IE11 users, such as slower load times and unresponsiveness
  • The challenges this presents to our modernization efforts.

By ending IE11 support, we can enhance security, improve performance, and streamline development. This change aligns with current web development practices and ensures a better experience for the majority of our users.

If you are currently using IE11 as a browser, it is highly recommended to switch using more modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge as soon as possible. If we encounter major security issues during next year we might need to drop the support even before the end of the year.

When support for IE11 is removed UI is not guaranteed to function optimally or it will show a blank page.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Maventa Customer Service