You can find more information about Connector from here:
Using Connector requires that the company has a Maventa-account, has an e-invoicing software that is able to create xml-files in one of the formats Maventa approves ( and can locally save the invoices to the OUT-folder defined for Connector.
Connector is downloaded either locally to a computer, or to a server, and the login happens with Maventa's credentials.
Outgoing invoices will have a defined OUT-folder, where the invoices created in the invoicing software are moved to.
This OUT-folder will be defined in Connector's settings as the monitored folder, so Connector can monitor the folder and move the invoices it finds to the company's Maventa account.
Maventa will then deliver these invoices based on the recipient's information.
Sending an invoice image and attachments is also possible through Connector:
You can either:
a) send invoices manually with the button "Manual send", where you first choose the invoice xml, and then the attachments. NOTE! This works only with invoices in Finvoice-format. Go to section b) if you want to send invoices in another format.
After choosing the invoice xml Connector asks for the invoice image, if you don't have invoice image you can skip this step by clicking 'Cancel'. After this you can choose the attachments:
The windows will appear in the following order:
Do you want to add attachments to the invoice?
-Choose Yes-
Choose invoice PDF or skip by clicking 'Cancel'
-Here choose the invoice image, or click cancel if you do not want to add invoice image-
Choose one or multiple attachments or skip by clicking 'Cancel'
-Here you can choose the invoice attachments-
b) send invoices with the automatic send, where invoice will be packed to a zip-folder and saved normally to the OUT-folder. In the zip package the .xml-file is the invoice, the .pdf with the same name is the invoice image and all other files are attachments.
The content of the zip-folder could be for example: invoice1001.xml, invoice1001.pdf, attachment1.pdf
Notice that naming is important in order for the invoice image and attachments to be transferred correctly with the xml.
Incoming invoices have a similar process. Incoming invoices will have their own designated IN-folder, where Connector will fetch the invoices that have arrived to the company's Maventa-account.
The invoicing software can then fetch these invoices from the IN-folder.
Incoming invoices can also have invoice images and attachments:
Maventa Connector can fetch invoices in two different ways. We recommend you to discuss with your software provider which method suits their software the best.
1) Invoices are saved to subdirectories per invoice
The name of the subdirectory is formed out of the company's organization number and the invoice number, i.e. 12345678_123. Subdirectory includes invoice xml (.xml), invoice image (.pdf) and possible attachments. Files are named according to the invoice number, i.e. invoice_123.xml & invoice_123.pdf
2) Invoices are saved into the same folder (default setting)
If all invoices are saved into the same folder (IN), invoice xml (.xml), invoice image (.pdf) and attachments will have distinctive ID's in front of the filenames, i.e. 1532affe-7868-48ec-xxxx-8bb4d82exxxx_invoice_1499541.xml, 1532affe-7868-48ec-xxxx-8bb4d82exxxx_invoice_1499541.pdf ja 1532affe-7868-48ec-xxxx-8bb4d82exxxx_attachment_1499541.pdf.
If you do start using Connector, Connector's log should be regularly monitored manually from Connector's log view.
For example send errors will show up in log. In case an invoice is stuck in Connector, there will not be an automatic error message.
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