If you have the Finnish consumer invoicing enabled on your company’s account, there is an important change you will need to do before this Receivables Management service can be used with e-invoicing to netbanks. There will be a 5 days delay to do the needed changes. During these 5 days all the consumer e-invoices will still go directly to the banks instead of going through the Receivables Management. After the delay the consumer e-invoices are also routed through receivables Management like all the other invoices. This change will enable consumer e-invoices to be sent to your consumers with the Visma Amili Oy IBAN information.
What do you need to do:
You will need to update your consumer agreements (SI-messages) by adding Visma Amili Oy provided IBAN to them and to change the SellerInvoiceIdentifierType (type of the identifier asked from the consumer in their netbank when adding the seller as their invoicer).
How to do it:
You will need to send CHANGE type sender info messages SI-messages to each bank you have the agreement with and do the following changes:
In the SI-message you will need to add Visma Amili Oy provided IBAN number as a new seller account (note! we do not recommend overriding the existing seller account information but instead just add that as a new one).
Addition to adding a new seller account number you need to change the SellerInvoiceIdentifierType if you are currently using either type 01 (national reference number) or 02 (international RF creditor reference). SellerInvoiceIdentifierType defines the type of the identifier the consumer is asked to fill in when they add the seller as their invoicer in their netbank, and with which the invoicer can identify the payer in its system.
Some banks have automated routines to check the seller from the invoice based on the reference number, IBAN and beneficiary name (under EpiBeneficiaryPartyDetails) used and make suggestions for consumers to add as their invoicer. In the case of the Receivables service, the IBAN and beneficiary name used on the invoices belongs to Visma Amili Oy and in that case the consumer might end up actually making the consumer agreement with Visma Amili Oy instead of the actual sender company.
Reference numbers are also a bit problematic identifiers because the reference number sent from the ERP is not the same as what the receiver gets and what they would fill in in their netbank. Reference numbers are changed by Visma Amili Oy on the transit. If reference number is used to link new consumer agreements in your ERP’s consumer register you need to check the reference number used by Visma Amili Oy from the assignment details using GET /v1/assignments/{assignment_id} method from the “reference_ids” parameter, value for the type “number”. And then connect that reference number to your register. if you still want to keep using the reference number as the identifier and want to do the connection between your reference number and reference number used by Visma Amili Oy you can switch using SellerInvoiceIdentifierType 08 (other numeric identifier), 09 (other alphanumeric identifier) or 99 (other identifier). These types of identifiers banks do not have any checking routines. In the instructions on the sender info (SellerInvoiceIdentifierText) you can still advise the consumer to give the reference number (“Please give the reference number of your latest invoice”).
Easiest solution would be to switch to using something else than reference numbers as identifiers. Good alternative is customer number.
If there is a functionality to create and send the SI-messages directly from your ERP you can most likely do the change easily through that. If you are unsure if there is such functionality in your ERP or you don’t know how to use it contact your ERP support team. After the messages are created they can be sent through our UI or via the API. More information about SI-messages and a link to message_send method to use for sending.
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