The two step authentication process in Maventa's login will in the future happen by using an authenticator app instead of the 2FA emails due to a security improvement. When you login to Maventa for the first time after the new two step authentication is effective, you will be instructed in its configuration.

After you have configured the two step authentication, the login from then on happens by giving your login credentials and the security code from an app.

Instructions below:

To begin the login, give your Maventa username (email) and press 'next


The next step is to enter your password, after that press 'sign in'


In case your password does not meet our security requirements, you will need to change it. In that case the following password change-view appears:


After login, you are requested to setup a two step verification required on future logins:


Selecting Continue opens the next step, where you are instructed in the setup of the authenticator app used in the two-step-verification:


The Google Authenticator / Authenticator app needs to be installed if you do not have it already. You can install the app on your phone or computer.

After installing the application open it, select to add a new login, and either scan the QR code from the screen or enter the key manually. After this you should see that the mobile application is constantly updating a 6 digit long numerical code.  

After entering the 6 digit numerical code, click continue.


After this, Maventa login suggests you to store a one-time emergency code that can be used to sign in, in case you for example lose your mobile phone. It is recommended to store this code, as resetting the code will require you to contact customer support.


After you have saved the one-time emergency code click continue to complete the login process. 


And you are done!

On your next login before entering the passcode, you may check the Remember this device for 30 days checkbox. This way you will need to enter the passcode on login only once every 30 days from that specific device.

IMPORTANT! Maventa Connector-users:

After the new login process is in place on 5th of October 2020 and you update your password in Maventa, it will no longer update your Connector password as it has before. Practically after this your Maventa-account’s and Connector’s login credentials won’t match anymore, and login to Connector happens with old Maventa credentials. Please be sure to save your old login credentials. If the password you have used in Connector login is forgotten, please contact our support.

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