If you don't need the Connector-service for sending or receiving invoices anymore, it is simple to close it down.
At first we recommend you to go to Connector's Settings (Asetukset) and to set the Receiving timer ( 3. Vastaanottoajastin) Off. The Settings should then be saved to confirm the changes from the File ( 0. Tiedosto) and save the changes. Then restart the service (11. Stop the service -> Start the service).
After this setting has been saved, you can proceed to delete the Connector from every computer it has been installed to. When Connector has been completely deleted from the computers, it's been terminated and won't send or receive invoices from the directories.
However, closing down the Connector doesn't affect Maventa's services, and you can still continue sending and receiving invoices via it.
If you don't have a need for Maventa anymore, you can terminate it by sending an informal, written notice to our support. The notice should be send by the person who has the authority of the company, or by the ADMIN-user of the company's Maventa account.
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