If you have a new phone, but the previous one is still usable, you can use the authenticator application on the previous phone to transfer the account to the new phone as follows:
Download Google Authenticator to your new phone. After that, open Google Authenticator on the old phone and select the three dots on the top right. Select "Transfer accounts" and "Exporting accounts" (creates a QR code), as well as "Importing accounts" on the new phone, so you can read the QR code. In this way, the authenticator accounts you created earlier will be transferred to the authenticator application of the new phone. (Note! the instructions apply only for the Google Authenticator application).
If you're having issues with your 6-digit authenticator code or can't access your old phone, we suggest re-enabling two-factor authentication. To complete the instructions, use the emergency code you saved when you 1st logged in and complete these instructions below. If you no longer have the emergency code, please contact our customer service.
(1. Remove the 6-digit code connected with Maventa from your authenticator if your authenticator app is still active)
2. Head to Maventa's login page. If you have lost your password, start by pressing "Forgot your password" and reset your password first.
3. Enter your username and click Next
4. Enter your Maventa password and click Sign in
5. Instead of a 6-digit code, try another way by pressing *Try another way*
6. Choose "Use one-time emergency code"
7. Copy and paste your one-time emergency code that you have previously saved for yourself or received in your email and Confirm
8. Select "I have permanently lost access to Authenticator app"
9. Now the normal Two-step verification will begin, press Next
10. Scan the QR code or enter the code manually in your Authenticator app. Once the code is added, press Next
11. Enter the 6-digit code provided by the authenticator app and press Next
12. The system will provide you with an emergency code you need to save. You can copy the code by pressing the button next to the code. Then tick the box "I have safely copied and stored this code." and press Next. You will need this code if your authenticator app stops working or you swap/lose your phone/device.
13. After this, you'll receive a notification that confirms the Two-step verification process succeeded. After receiving this notification, press Next
14. You are now logged in
If you do not have an emergency code saved, please contact our customer servic and we will send you a new emergency code to your email address associated with your username. Upon receiving the emergency code, follow the above instructions to reset the 6-digit authenticator code.
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