In this article we will guide you on how to register a Maventa account for your company for the first time. 

Registering a new account

If you already have a user account in Maventa and want to create a new company under the same user, you should follow the instructions found here. 

1.Go to Maventa's registration page: and press Yes, please - Sign up now

2. Enter the user information (mandatory fields: first name, last name, email address, password, optional fields: phone number), which you will use to log in to Maventa in the future.

Then enter the company information by first choosing Country from the drop-down menu, then enter the company's business name and business ID number.

3. Please read and accept Maventa's terms of use. Finish the registration by clicking Register new user and company

4. After the account is registered, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to finish the account activation.


1. Open the email you received and click on the link Activate account by opening this link below.

When you have clicked the link, you will be directed to Maventa's login page and you will receive the notification Activation succeeded, you can now log in.

2. Start the login process according to the instructions found here.

3. Once you have logged in, you must complete the activation of the account using four steps: Mail, General settings, Company authorization as well as Bank network activation and Invoice receiving. When you're done, press Start.

4. Step 1: Mail

Specify the mailing address for your company and when you have filled in the necessary fields, press Next.

5. Step 2: General settings

Configure the general settings, i.e. the company's e-mail addresses and any notifications about incoming e-invoices (notifications are sent to the address specified in the Invoicing email section). Also, choose the print service settings, if you want to enable paper invoices to be sent to customers who, for example, do not have the possibility of online or e-mail invoices. When you're done, press Next.

6. Step 3: Authorization of the company and opening the Bank network connection

The Maventa account needs to be verified and the customer is strongly authenticated using the Visma Sign service. The person representing the company will be strongly authenticated with bank ID or mobile ID and will sign a document confirming that the account can be used by the company. 
Together with the company authorization, Maventa will request a bank network connection opening to the bank. When the signing of the document is completed, you will receive an e-mail about the opening of the bank network connection within about a week of activation.
The email address of the main user of the account will automatically appear in the field. This is the email address to which Visma Sign will send an email invitation containing an activation link to their service and a password. Please note that the link is valid for 7 days. If you wish, you can change the e-mail address to another one and when the desired address has been entered, press Send.

7. Step 4: Receiving of  invoices

In this step, it is determined whether your company wants to receive invoices through the Maventa account or not.

If yes, leave the checkmark on Receive invoices. If you wish, you can also register as a PEPPOL recipient, which enables your company to also receive invoices from abroad, within Europe. If there is no need for a PEPPOL connection, remove the checkmark from Register as a PEPPOL recipient and press Save.

If you do not want to receive invoices via Maventa, remove the checkmark from Receive invoices and press Save.

8. Done!

You will receive a confirmation that your account registration is now complete. From this view, you can also check your company's e-invoicing information (e-invoice address, operator ID, operator ID if the sender uses the banking network) and if your company receives e-invoices, you can fill in the information from the view you received directly into the supplier letter and send it to your suppliers for reference.

When you have checked the information, press OK and you will be redirected to the Maventa account.

We will publish your e-invoicing address to Verkkolaskuosoitteisto and it will be public on the next day after the account activation is completed. 

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