If any of the Admin users on the account are still available:
Account Administrators can manage (add, delete, edit) other users from their Maventa account under Settings -> Company Settings -> Users. Please note that there must always at least be one user on the account.
You can add a new admin user and then delete the old one. When you do this, make sure that the API key entered in your billing software matches the API key of the user who will remain on the account. The API key can always be found in the settings for each user account. If you accidentally delete the user whose API key was entered in the billing software, the billing connection between Maventa and the billing software will be broken. If you are deleting the user that created the connection, you should consider the following:
1. first create a new user
2. enter the API key of the new user in the billing program to replace the old key
3. only then delete the old user from the account.
If none of the account's admins are in use:
Contact Maventa Support and tell them which user you want to add to the account. The request must come from a person with company signatory rights and we will always check the signatory's signatory rights and send them a Visma Sign electronic signature form.
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