Information about common errors and reasons for them is available here.

Reasons for failing can for example be:

- invoice has an invalid e-invoicing address check the information, fix the address and resend the invoice

- operator information is missing from the invoice and the receiver cannot be found from the public database or Maventas own routing database add the operator information and resend

- the receiver uses a bank as an operator and your company has not activated bank network activate you bank network and after successful activation, resend the invoice

If the invoice cannot be delivered as an e-invoice Maventa will select the next possible route. Next route is an email, if an email address is provided. If email route fails, Maventa delivers the invoice to print service. This only succeeds if the print service is activated.

If you intended to send the invoice via print service and you get an error message, check that the print service is activated and none of the mandatory information (for example a country code) is missing from the invoice.

If both e-invoicing address and operator information are provided on the invoice, the default is that the invoice is meant to be sent as an e-invoice. In this case an error in receiver- or operator information will lead to an error and re-routing to the next possible address will not take place.

If this happens, check the receiver address in your own software and resend the invoice with correct information. You can also re-route the invoice with correct information straight from Maventa user interface. Instructions for re-reouting are available here. Pleace notice, that re-routing from Maventa does not fix the information existing in your software.

If none of the above methods provide help, please contact our upport.

You can contact us by sending a support request.

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