To which bank can Maventa Epayslips be sent?

Maventa Epayslips (online payslip) can be submitted to all major banks in Finland. Below is a list of banks that have Maventa Epayslip connection:

Aktia Pankki

Danske Bank



POP Pankit




What does employee need to do to receive a Maventa Epayslip?

Receiving Maventa Epayslip does not require any advance action from the employee. All they need to do is have their personal online bank credentials and have their employer send payslips via Maventa Epayslip service.

Who is the provider of the Epayslips?

Maventa acts as a mediator for Epayslips.

Who can see the Epayslips?

Epayslips are submitted to the bank's display service, which displays each employee's Epayslip based on their personal identification number. Online bank credentials linked to an employee's personal identification number can only view Epayslips submitted with their personal identification number. Therefore, even if two people have a joint bank account, the user can only view the payslips with their own IDs.

I am not able to see my payslip, whom should I contact?

Please check that you are logged in to the online bank with your own personal bank credentials. If the payslip does not appear, please contact your employer, who is responsible for sending the payslips.

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